Some of the best Snorkeling Fiji has on offer.
While you’re welcome to snorkel off our resort, we also run week-long Snorkeling and Diving tours through Paradise Courses
We have lots of options!
Just outside the resort, there’s a small reef with a lot of juvenile fish and some pretty coral. It provides a lovely spot for beginners or for anyone wanting to just mooch about in the water.
The real beauty of the reefs is a bit further out. We can take you there in our boat, or send you to the reefs outside the bay (Namena Island, Turtle Alley, Natewa Bay) with the local dive operators.
You can take individual trips day by day (open to both guests and non-guests), or you can come on one of our special guided snorkeling weeks with marine biology lectures through Paradise Courses.

When you go out on our boat, you will be accompanied by our boatman and one of our staff (usually George) who will be with you in the water to point out the fish and the marine life. We go to:
*Split Rock * Lighthouse *Fingers *Shark Alley *David’s *Nuggets
You can also snorkel off the beach at the Savasi lagoon. You need to go at high tide. Because it’s shallow, you get to see the marine life up close, and there is an abundance of fascinating juveniles. And, if you’re lucky, you’ll catch a glimpse of the young sharks.

Swim in the warm clear waters of Fiji
All snorkel equipment provided
Week-long guided excursions managed through Paradise Courses
Includes illustrated lectures